Tourette Syndrome? Really!?!?
I hope everyone is taking time to relax and reflect on this Labor Day weekend.

For me, I'm reflecting on our vacation last week. We made our annual trek to the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas. This time we were a group of 9 including Jackson's cousins, aunt & uncle, and nanny & her husband.

Rod, Jackson & I arrived a day earlier than the rest of the group and, thanks to the babysitting service, enjoyed an evening out. We can't praise the babysitting services at Atlantis enough. We've always had a great experience with them and this time was no different. Veronica did a terrific job with Jackson - he played, changed into pajamas and went to sleep before we got back from dinner.
We've been going to Atlantis for quite some time now so it's difficult to come up with "first" experiences but this trip yield a few.

Every time we come to Atlantis Café Martinique is closed. They always close for a month in late August/early September but this trip was the first time they've been open during our visit. The classic French gourmet fare was tremendous and definitely worth the wait. We'll dine there again if we can get our schedules to match.
The rest of our group arrived the next day and we spent the rest of our time enjoying the swimming pools, beaches, restaurants, bars and casino. Another first on this trip were the private cabanas. We loved having a home base in Aquaventure with shaded seating along with a refrigerator, a safe and a dedicated server. The cabanas are a must-have for our next trip!

On the trip home we were upgraded which rarely happens with a toddler in tow - another first for this trip! Jackson enjoyed his first class seat for a little while and then indulged in a nap.
While he was sleeping, the passenger seated behind Rod tapped him on the shoulder and politely asked if Jackson has Tourette Syndrome. Really!?!? Now Jackson isn't the quietest baby on the planet, but he's not even 3 years old yet. He's just a normal baby that makes normal baby noise. I'm glad he didn't ask me because I probably would have instantly developed Tourette Syndrome and shouted a few choice phrases at him. Which of course Jackson would have repeated!
Sound off! What would you have done? What are some of the crazy things people have asked about your children? Inquiring minds want to know!