Meet Jackson's Nanny

In the last blog, I stopped with saying we were on the Nanny search so enter stage left our interviews....It was a Saturday afternoon and we invited the top 3 candidates to come to the loft to be interviewed. What they didn’t know was that Jackson would be doing the interviewing.
In comes Nanny # 1, she is not quite sure how to hold Jackson. Should I put him on my right side or left side, does he want to sit up or lie down and yes I do speak Spanish but I brought my husband along to translate as I don’t speak English. Quick decision here: NO!
Nanny # 2 called a bit before to say that the family she just interviewed with offered her a job and she accepted.
In comes Nanny # 3 and she calls herself Luisa. As she enters she asks for the baby, while talking with us she is rocking him and letting us know that she would be preparing all of his foods fresh daily, no sweets, no juices and how things would be if she was going to be the Nanny. She had it all worked out and her Spanish and English was great as we only wanted Jackson to be spoken to in Spanish by his Nanny. If you are wondering why—studies show that if a child learns a second language before they are 4 years old they have the ability to learn up to 7 in their lifetime. So this was very important to us.
It was agreed, Luisa will start in a week! She was aggressive, not afraid to speak her mind and it was clear that although Jackson was only about 2 weeks old at this point, that she was already in love with him. Luisa would go on to meet my parents, then Doug’s parents, then our close friends in Atlanta and then Titi, then Prima and a host of other family and friends and I am happy to say that Luisa has been with us almost 2 years now and plans to be with us until Jackson goes to Kindergarten.
I hear the horror stories of bad Nannies so we are blessed and thankful for Luisa. She has been a true blessing that we count on every day to help us raise our son. Jackson now calls her Tata. So Jackson is now home with us, he has a Nanny, his wubbanub ( this is the best thing since sliced bread) and space to move about… Well scratch that…. At this point Doug and I are still in a 1,500 sq foot loft in downtown Atlanta and Jackson is quickly taking over all of the available space so this isn’t going to last too long.
The next several blogs will highlight several firsts for Jackson, and then we will move onto 2015 but will be sure to feature some of our favorite things along the way. But look for Jackson’s many firsts: 1st Valentine’s, 1st Easter, his debut party with 125 of his closest fans, 4th of July, 1st time on a plane, 1st international trip, 1st Thanksgiving, 1st Christmas, 1st birthday party and his 1st new house…And in this we will highlight going before the judge to finalize both of our adoptions and selecting a last name for Jackson.
You will want to hear just how it is in the state of Georgia. All coming to a blog near you soon…. Keep reading and please keep sharing…..